The railway know-how and knowledge imply a permanent study and attention to the norms in force and the application of new solutions and efficient technologies. It is essential to permanently improve and increase the skills of existing human resources, both at the level of master's degrees and doctorates at universities, particularly with regard to specific issues related to transport systems engineering, and at the level of professional training and updating of knowledge.
The railway sector will be progressively more technologically complex, more automated and managed by fewer specialists, but by increasingly qualified people. Likewise, innovation supported by non-corporate entities within SI&I, will have a direct impact on the technical staff involved in the production, installation, operation and maintenance of new solutions and services. New knowledge and skills will be needed to harness the benefits of existing or emerging technological capabilities.
Key development actions:
1. Development and implementation of a knowledge management platform;
2. Adaptation of syllabi for master's and doctoral railroad levels;
3. Development of Professional Training focused on the railway sector;
4. Complementary training in emerging technologies;
5. Creation of an observatory of sciences and technologies with impact on the railway sector.